4 Productivity Hacks to Encourage You to Get SH#T Done and Keep the Panadol in the Cupboard

What do you do when you have stuff to do and you just want to stay in your cave?

Here’s 4 productivity hacks to encourage you to get sh#t done and keep the Panadol in the cupboard

Smash through tasks with ease!

  1. Will it take less than 5 minutes to do and annoy the crap out of you if it doesn’t get done? Just do it (send an email, change a lightbulb etc).
  2. Can it be done in an hour or less? Is it going to help you make progress on other things? Then schedule it or it may slip between the cracks (write a blog post, proposal, do a chore etc).
  3. Will it matter or not in five years? If not then don’t waste too much mental energy on it. Someone stole your parking space? Insulted you? Is the graphic on your website slightly off? Get over it quickly. Don’t waste brain power on it. Get onto the next thing.
  4. You know that task you least want to do.. the one that stops the flow…the one that is taking up mental real estate… do it first!

What are your favourite productivity hacks?


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