Website Design & Development
Your website is your number one marketing tool…
It has a serious role to fill. It’s your 24/7 salesman.
We get that!
For your website to be successful, it must ‘speak’ to your target market – your potential customers. With that in mind, a website designed for you needs to reflect your business in the marketplace.
By their very nature, websites are fairly complex. The internet is a dynamic medium and changing even as you read this. Websites too are dynamic, and technology is growing at a fast pace.
The way your website looks and how it functions is vital to its long-term success.
We create the designs for your website and then we write the code that makes your website and each web page look and function the way it is supposed to. This is all done in-house. We don’t send your work offshore as many do.
Your website involves…
- Creation of custom website including all website front-end aesthetics, graphic design, layout, logo header, style sheets, CSS, and imagery.
- Development of website framework and structure including design, server-side scripting, and client-side scripting, Java Script, VB Script, HTML, PHP, CSS for example.
- We ensure that your website is cross-browser compatible, W3C Compliant, and meets Australian & International Web Standards.
Website Re-design
If your company has an existing website that needs an update we can recommend improvements from the overall layout and design to usability, load times, browser compatibility, and search engine optimization.